Year-End Wrap Pt 1: Australia, the Musical.


They said 09 would be Murray’s year
The crafty Scot had the complete gear
His early titles sparked tall raves
In Melbourne, he and Fed were co-faves 
But out popped Nando with his fab faux-hawk
With a 5 s win, we could only gawk.

But Nando turned out to be no Cinderella
His semi against Rafa was better than paella
With gusty forehands and eye-popping spin
Five hours it took for Rafa to win 
We thought he’d be toast after a match so long,
But boy, we couldn’t have been more wrong!

In truth Roger had been playing great
The Aussies cheered him, “onya mate!”
He came into the final with plenty-a-rest
So few of us expected such a tough test
But tested he was, he served like a zombie
 In defeat Fed cried, “God it’s killing me!”



Meanwhile Dinara’s troubles were starting
As Maratski announced he was departing
The litte sis battled through to the end
Where Serena and herself for the title contend
But alas! The girl started freakin’ out
So Serena gave her a deserving rout



Rafa and Rena were sensational Down-under
While tears and breakdowns stole all their thunder 
Indian Wells and Miami soon came round,
As Bepa and Vika expectations confound
But more dramatic was Fed’s smashed racquet
Though he cared not, he just wanted to crack it. 

Roger’s losing game needed redressing
 Already, the year was becoming depressing
Critics hailed the end of an epoch
While Dootsie crawled under a rock 
What else did 09 have in store?
‘Til next time, we’ll talk some more. 

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11 responses to “Year-End Wrap Pt 1: Australia, the Musical.”

  1. Jamie says :

    hey 😀 i was wondering if i could have your opinion of how tennis can be related to literature, for example using it as a theme in poetry (: i’m currently doing an audio-diary project for school on tennis. oh and would it be okay if i used one of your poems as an example? 😀 thanks loads!

    • dootsiez says :

      I don’t see how tennis can be related to literature. Unless you want to focus on tennis biographies, or maybe broaden it as biography on sports personalities using tennis as an example. Don’t know what your school project is on, but anything that gives an excuse to immerse yourself in tennis can’t be that bad.

      As for the poems, go ahead. Tis an honor.

  2. flo says :

    Baz Luhrmann wants his copyright money. Having said that, if you sat through Australia then he probably owes you one.

    • dootsiez says :

      I’d take him down. My “Australia the Musical” would kick his Australia the Hugh Jackman Porn’s ass all the way back to England circa 1770.

      • flo says :

        Hugh Jackman is a great porn name. I like him tho. A straight guy whose into musicals – what are the odds?

        • FortuneCookie says :

          Without sounding too much like Perez Hilton (can’t stand that guy!), a lot of people would debate the ‘straight guy’ part of that sentence…

        • dootsiez says :

          LOL oh trust me, Hugh Jackman is definitely straight. If you’ve seen pictures of him frolicking on the beach here with wife and kids …

        • flo says :

          To be fair, there aren’t many ways to be DEFINITE about it. I don’t know how doots is so sure, makes you wonder, huh? TRUST HER, he is DEFINITELY STRAIGHT…But it seems from all the evidence that he is straight….I think closet actors and actress steer clear of things like hosting the tony’s or doing musicals. No names – not that I know, anyway – no rumor mongering.

  3. pban says :

    LOL doots Wow,now I can’t wait for the goodies 😛

  4. braggaditis says :

    sigh. You write sooo well, Doots!

  5. zamogilny95 says :

    Nice one Dootsiez!! Visit my tennis blog

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